Sunday, 17 June 2012

Avocado, Banana, and Mango Puree

Dear Readers,
I hope you are enjoying this Sunday weather, and also hope you had a beautiful weekend. Well as for me I had a very busy day as usual, especially been a mom of two young boys under the age of three, a working mom, a wife and graduate student. I juggle the day, doing everything and also trying to take care of myself.
Today my youngest son hasn't been feeling good, he is now teething, and it has been very painful. Imagine the pain he can be feeling now, and with that he lost his appetite. As creative as I can be, I had to come up with a simple and delicious lunch for him, so that he could feel better and gain more energy for the rest of the day. So I made him something scrumptious, tasty, and delicious. Guess what he ate everything, and I was very happy.

I simply said to myself, this should be a recipe worth sharing to my readers. Please let me know how your young one enjoyed this easy recipe.

  1. Peel one avocado, one banana, and one ripe mango (yellowish);
  2. Add 1/2 cup of water in a blender, add the peeled avocado, banana, and mango also in the blender;
  3. blend till desired texture based on your child's age
  4. you may like to add one scoop of breastmilk or formula milk (optional).
  5. This recipe makes three cups.


  1. My spouse and i seriously love avocados. It can creamy delightful and healthy. They can be ingested on its own as a fruit snack, or be made into a salad, a dip, a soup, a dessert or a flavorsome addition to a superb dish. I really like your writing style and how you express your ideas. read more

    1. Thank you John and my apologies for the delay in replying.
